Friday, January 3, 2014

The word Fight...

Linking up with

Five minute friday with Lisa-Jo Baker over at

This is new for me, to be given a word and then to write for five minutes, non-stop, no editing, no over thinking, no back-tracking. I don't know where it will take me, but let's take this challenge and see what happens.

So, here I go:

Fight – is a hard word for me to write about. I feel it implies difficulty and a lack of negotiations, or the end of negotiations and a finality, which I try to avoid.

However, it can also mean something or someone is worth the fight. The treasures of our life are worth the fight no matter how hard the climb, or how hard the fall, our journey itself is worth the hardship. To reach inside and pull that grit from your soul and lay it down, like a line in the sand. Then if you cross it, I will defend it. I will fight for it.

My father told me this once when we were having a discussion about marriage and it has been something I refer to with all of my relationships.

The loving is easy, it's the fighting
that you must master, to make it last”.

I took his words to mean,
you must respect each other
even when you disagree.

Call it what you want:
a heated discussion,
a disagreement or a fight.

It is a difference of opinion that must be heard and respected, spoken and then understood, and finally resolved. 

And most important, it must have an ending. An unresolved fight can turn into a grudge and poison our heart, attitude and peace. So, even if you end it with that common saying “we agree to disagree” it is over, put it away and move on.

I feel that 2014 is a year for me to be a better listener. I want to take the time, make the time for those few moments, to look someone in the eye, give my full attention, and listen. I want to slow this fast paced world a bit, and show more respect for others in my life.

I will begin with listening...

Thank you to Joyce over at

for sharing her five minute friday link with me.


  1. What a great way to start Five Minute Friday! This post was AWESOME and so true. Great job!

  2. congratulations... i can't believe you wrote all this in five minutes. if someone gives me a direct order to write or even to answer questions i draw a complete blank. you have a gift for sure

  3. Very well written. Your father was a wise man.

  4. this is a great read jackie, i am not sure i could commit to the no editing rule ;)

  5. What a thoughtful essay ! Very powerful !

  6. What a fun challenge. You did good, Jackie- Very, very good. Love it- xo Diana


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