Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I've got the bug!

Photo bug that is!

Yes, I have it. I have been diagnosed. I have the photo bug. It is contagious. I got it from a friend.
Me... and my grandpuppy
"Feeling so Greatfull!

A few months ago, a long time friend who lives far away came for a visit. I felt like a teenager again, laughing, giggling, shopping, talking about anything, sitting at night and reminiscing. A tingle came alive in my heart and soul.

With the declining economy in the past few years, our world had turned to work, work and more work. Jumping each time the phone rang, making plans and then having to change them, eating on the go, sleeping only because you have to. That is what it takes sometimes to survive, to pay the electric bill, put gas in your car, pay medical bills, and so on. Don't get me wrong, I was greatfull” for the work that I had prayed for. We had it better than most of our colleagues.

Then cancer came along and broke my heart, made me cry a lot, made me question our future, and turned me into a fighter. Myhubs is a cancer survivor, a strong man, a hard working man and now a very hyper man (even more than before). Due to the chemotherapy he will be on for the rest of his life, his metabolism is always high. He is ready to go, must go, and can't stop at the end of the day. 

And we are “greatfull” for the miracles that have happened along this journey!

But through all of this, creativity just stopped, it moved over and made room for cancer... and more work. The list of “gotta do's” was long, then longer. Well, he is one year cancer free and I am feeling “greatfull . But it is time to create some "dazeeze" and make room for it in my life.

My friend suggested one day to try taking some photos, just for fun. And that is what I have found, fun... I take long walks, I walk in the rain, I look for the best pose, angle, light, just so I can run to the photo lab and see what it turns out to be. I am excited again. Oh... How it feels so good.

This blog is named Greatfull Dazeez for two reasons. To always be great, always be greatfull, always enjoy my days, and add some ease  from time to time, so that creativity can rejoice and be greatfull!.


  1. What a wonderful way to start a blog!! I, too, am a cancer survivor. God speed on rediscovering the JOY in living!! Life can be challenging but God has a plan and it's a GOOD one!

  2. What a wonderful way to start a blog!! I, too, am a cancer survivor. God speed on rediscovering the JOY in living!! Life can be challenging but God has a plan and it's a GOOD one!

  3. you piced the perfect name to tell your story!!



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