Monday, July 31, 2023

Another Monday - the end of July

Today is the last day of July and I think everyone is glad to see it go. This week's temperature outside is expected to reach 108 degrees.  I have had an outdoor thermometer for almost 20 years and this is the first time it's used three digits. To sum it up, July was HOT, painfully hot.

I turned 65 and with that came all of the medicare mail. I am very popular right now with medicare solicitors. They call, they email, and the mail box if full.  So confusing, but I stayed to the helm and managed to get one that fits my needs. Now to notify all the medical angels that are in my life.

We lost a dear friend yesterday to a brain bleed after a fall. Another reminder to get out and visit all those who hold a place in my heart. However, as I age and my body fails, this is not an easy trip.

I also found out that I am in extreme need of two surgeries, hip replacement and 3 spinal fusions (I already have two). This will be my23rd and 24th surgery so nothing is going to surprise me.  But, this is the first time I have had to wait in a line for 2 months to get in.  In pain, and waiting my turn, another 2 months to go.

Now on to Happy Homemaker link up:
Come and join the party by linking up with

The weather:
inside it will be 76 degree and I pray that our ac unit survives. I also pray for those who are going to have to choose between paying their electric bill and other necessities. There are a lot seniors suffering with this economy right now and a $300-$400 electric bill will take a large percentage of their social security.

Out my window:
Looking out my dining room window, I can see the gorgeous flower pots of geraniums and hibiscus still blooming.   I love this view, even though our back covered patio is really thehubs mancave. In between flowers you will find yard tools, work gloves, shoes and a beer fridge! He loves it out there and usually has evening guests that stop by for a cold beer and to say hello.

Right now I am:
Doing laundry, dishes, preparing files for phone calls this afternoon, and emptying my mind of words. 

Thinking and Pondering:
How full of words I am and how it all feels raw. I want to get out of this survival mindset. I really need a break from my environment, the past year it hasn't been healthy for me. I've dreamed of getting in my car and driving away not even knowing where I am going, just driving. Then I wake up and everything is the same. Thinking about losing my legs and not being able to walk or work, scary thoughts right now.

Listening to:
My washer, dryer and dishwasher and the ringing in my ears. It is now harvest season for local fields and the dust in the air is high which makes our eyes itch, ear ring and our sinuses stuffy.

How am I feeling:
Trying to empty and organize my thoughts today. So many to do's and no one to help. It's lonely when you lose your children.

I have a refrigerator full of food. BBQ pork steak, Grilled filet mignon, grilled vegetables, fresh vegetables from our garden and several bags of delicious fruit. I am not a good eater. I lost my colon, then have had more surgeries that have ended up with me having a belly full of scar tissue. I eat about every two hours, small portions.  I usually divide a meal for thehubs into small portions for me and I eat one vegetable at a time throughout my day. At the end of the day I have eaten a full meal, just in 2 hour increments. I can't lose a damn pound... because I drink a gallon and of milk and 2 days. I love milk.

What I am wearing:  Lounging pajamas. I am cleaning house, even with a walker, and trying to get it finished before I need to make phone calls this afternoon.

On my reading pile:
My journal and some blogs. I enjoy reading everyday people doing everyday things. Like walking next door and having a glass of iced tea.

On my tv this week:
I don't watch much television. I use to watch the news but turned that off when I felt I was being told what they wanted me to hear. So we just leave it turned off. 

On the menu:
listed above.

Looking around the house:
It is in good shape, just the usuals, laundry, dishes, and dirty toilets. Too hot to even go outside.

To do list:
To much to list. I am a caregiver to my Mom. and July wasn't good for her. I have been immobile and I only saw her once. August has to include new glasses, maybe a surgery I hope, dental repairs, and a promise to keep blogging. Hoping it helps me organize and understand my thoughts better.




  1. I hope you have a gorgeous week and those pesky medicare solicitors take a hike! love all those pictures!

  2. Love the photo of the lightning bug on the lily bud! Hope your health improves. The view out your dining room window is spectacular. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  3. Sending lots of healing vibes and energy your way. Have a great week


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